Long ago in Padang Bolak, North Sumatra, there lived a widow with a son named Sampuraga. They lived in a small shack in the woods. Everyday they work hard as an employee at a farm owned by the rich man. One day, Sampuraga and his boss resting, leaning against a tree after working all day.

While enjoying their lunch, the boss asked, "Sampuraga, you're still young. Why do not you move to a prosperous land and find a better job?"

Sampuraga is a young man who is honest and diligent. That's why the boss take care of him and wants a better life for him.

"Actually I have been dreaming to move on to find a better life. I want to make my mother happy. But where to?" Asked Sampuraga.

"You have to go to Mandailaing. One of my friends live there. Most residents have farms and fields. They also seek to live by panning for gold in the river because it has a high level of gold content," said the boss.

The conversation made Sampuraga decided to follow the boss suggested.

Back in his hut, Sampuraga told his mother about his decision.

"Mom, I want to move to seek a better life. In this place, I will always be employees and work for others. I want to go somewhere else and try my luck," said Sampuraga to his mother.

"Where are you going, son?" His mother asked.

"I'm thinking about Mandailaing. The boss told me that people in Mandailing prosper because of the fertile soil," said Sampuraga.

His mother knew that Sampuraga has been decided and nothing could change his decision.

"Although I`m afraid separated with you, as I get older, but I have no reason to ban you. I`m sorry I never made you happy," said his mother.

"Thanks Mom! I promise I will be back soon if I succeed. Please pray for me Mom," Sampuraga asked for the blessing of his mother.

Sampuraga departed on his journey to Mandailing the next day. He left her alone. Days passed, he walked around through the woods with villages. One day, he reached a town in Pidoli Kingdom, in Mandailing. There, he tried to apply for a job. A rich merchant accept his proposal. traders take great confidence in him because he is diligent and honest youth. After one year, the boss gave him some financial capital so that he could run his own business. His business grew rapidly in a short time. Some of the benefits remain to raise capital in order to make the business bigger. Finally, he is known for a rich young businessman.

The merchants are very proud with Sampuraga. One day, he asked if he was interested Sampuraga to marry his daughter.

"Sampuraga, you are a man who is honest and diligent. Do you want to marry my daughter?" Asked the merchant.

"Of course, sir," replied Sampuraga.

The merchant's daughter is known as the most beautiful girl in the Pidoli Kingdom.

They were married in a lavish wedding party. All the preparations had begun months before the wedding day. Ten buffaloes and goats are provided in the party. Everyone knows about the big wedding including Sampuraga's mother. She heard from a passing merchant from Mandailing.

"Is that right? Maybe it was just the same name," he was in doubt.

How can it be possible for her to marry a beautiful girl from a wealthy family, while he only son of poor widows. But, mother Sampuraga still want to make sure, so he went to Mandailing to watch the wedding. When she arrived at Pidoli Kingdom, the wedding party had started. It was very crowded and noisy. He tries to get closer in the crowd. She was surprised when he saw the person sitting next to a pretty girl. It was her son, Sampuraga.

"Raga ...! Sampuraga, my son," she cried, trying to get the attention of this Sampuraga.

Sampuraga surprised to hear a familiar voice.

"Oh ... it`s not possible," he thought, looking for the source of sound between crowded.

But then he saw an old woman ran to him.

"Sampuraga, my son! I'm your mother!" Said the old woman as she tried to embrace Sampuraga.

But Sampuraga very embarrassed to see his own mother. His face turned red.

"Hey, old lady! Don`t pretend to be my mother! I do not have a mother like you! Get out of here now! Do not disturb my party!" He shouted in an angry tone.

His mother was surprised to see this Sampuraga reaction.

"Raga ... Sampuraga. I'm your mother. How can you forget your own mother?" She started to cry.

"No !! you`re not my mother! She's dead! Guard, take this old lady out of here!" Sampuraga ordered his guards.

His heart has been completely harden until he denied and banished his own mother. All the guests just kept silent, no one dared to mediate them. The old woman then dragged away by two guards out of the party.

While still crying, she prayed, "Dear God ... If he's really my son, Sampuraga, please give him the punishment to deny me."

Suddenly, the sky turned dark, thick cloud cover. Rain fall followed by a storm. All the guests tried to run away, but they could not escape the storm. Within a short time, no one was safe, including Sampuraga and his wife.

In the following days, the place was turned into a hot water pool is surrounded by limestone that looks the same as buffalos. There are also two piles of sand and colorful mud that looked like food offered at the Sampuraga`s wedding. People later called "Kolam Sampuraga" or Pond Sampuraga.
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