Folklore Lover | Exploring Ancient Folklore Around the World of Myths, Legends, and Traditions

Folklore has been passed down for centuries and continues to shape cultures...

Hansel and Gretel: The Hidden Forest

Once upon a time, in a small village near a deep, ancient forest, lived a brother and sister named Hansel and Gretel. Their family was poor, and after years of famine, their father and stepmother struggled to provide food. One cold night, the stepmother whispered to their father, “We must send the children into the forest tomorrow. There’s no food left for all of us.”

Hansel, who had been awake and listening, knew they needed a plan. At dawn, as their parents led them deep into the woods, Hansel secretly dropped small pebbles along the path, marking the way. When their parents abandoned them, Hansel and Gretel simply followed the stones home.

But the second time their stepmother took them into the forest, Hansel couldn’t gather pebbles in time. Instead, he crumbled a piece of bread along the way, hoping the crumbs would guide them back. However, the forest birds ate all the breadcrumbs, and Hansel and Gretel were truly lost.

They wandered for hours, growing hungry and tired, when suddenly, they stumbled upon a hidden part of the forest. There stood a strange house, made entirely of sweet-smelling gingerbread, candy, and cake. Drawn by their hunger, Hansel and Gretel tore pieces of the house and ate eagerly.

As they devoured the sugary walls, an old woman stepped out, her eyes twinkling. “Come, children,” she said in a kind voice. “You must be hungry. Come inside, and I will feed you.”

The children, too hungry to resist, followed her inside the cozy cottage. But as soon as they stepped in, the atmosphere changed. The old woman was no ordinary woman; she was a witch. With a snap of her fingers, iron bars appeared, trapping Hansel in a cage. “You’ll grow fat, my boy,” she cackled, “and I’ll feast on you. And you, girl, will help me cook!”

Days passed, and the witch fed Hansel nothing but sweets while Gretel was forced to work. But Hansel was clever. Each time the witch checked his finger to see if he was fat enough to eat, he would poke out a thin bone he found, and the witch, half-blind, would grumble, thinking he wasn’t fattening up.

Meanwhile, Gretel was plotting their escape. She learned the witch’s habits, noticing that the witch relied on her enchanted oven to cook her meals. One morning, when the witch was about to check on her oven, Gretel pretended to be confused. “I don’t know how to work this oven, ma’am,” she said. “Could you show me?”

The witch, irritated, leaned inside to demonstrate. At that moment, Gretel acted swiftly. With all her strength, she shoved the witch into the oven and slammed the door shut. The witch’s screams echoed through the house, but soon there was only silence.

Gretel freed Hansel, and together they explored the cottage, finding not only food but also treasures the witch had collected from other unlucky children. They filled their pockets with jewels and gold before leaving the house behind.

Hansel and Gretel, wiser and stronger from their ordeal, followed the birds and stars home. When they arrived, they found their father alone, grief-stricken. Their stepmother had passed away, and the family was finally reunited.

With the witch’s riches, Hansel and Gretel’s family never went hungry again. But the children never forgot the dangers of the hidden forest or the lesson that cleverness and bravery could outmatch even the darkest magic.

The End.

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