Folklore Lover | Exploring Ancient Folklore Around the World of Myths, Legends, and Traditions

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Jack and the Beanstalk: The First Adventure

Once upon a time, in a humble cottage lived a boy named Jack and his widowed mother. They were poor, with nothing left but a cow named Milky-White, whose milk had been their only source of income. But one fateful day, Milky-White stopped producing milk, and Jack’s mother, in despair, asked him to take the cow to the market and sell her for whatever he could get.

On the way to the market, Jack met a mysterious man who offered him five magic beans in exchange for the cow. Although Jack was skeptical, the man promised that these beans would bring unimaginable fortune. Trusting the man's words, Jack made the trade and returned home.

When Jack’s mother saw the beans, she was furious and threw them out the window in anger, scolding Jack for his foolishness. That night, Jack went to bed feeling ashamed and hopeless.

But by morning, something incredible had happened: the magic beans had sprouted into a gigantic beanstalk, reaching high into the sky, disappearing into the clouds. Jack, full of curiosity and wonder, began climbing the beanstalk, ascending higher and higher until he found himself in a strange land above the clouds.

At the top, Jack discovered a massive castle belonging to a fearsome giant. His heart pounded as he approached, but his hunger and desperation for a better life urged him forward. Jack knocked on the castle door, and a giant woman answered.

"Please, ma'am, I am hungry and have come from far below," Jack pleaded.

Though wary, the giantess took pity on him. “Quick, come in before my husband, the giant, returns. He will eat you if he finds you.”

As Jack ate, the ground trembled. The giantess gasped. “He’s coming back!” She hid Jack inside the cupboard just in time.

The giant stormed in, his voice booming:
I smell the blood of an Englishman!
Be he alive, or be he dead,
I'll grind his bones to make my bread!"

The giantess denied anyone was there, and after a while, the giant settled down, devouring a great meal. He then pulled out a magical hen, which laid golden eggs on command. Once the giant fell asleep, Jack crept from his hiding place, grabbed the hen, and hurried down the beanstalk to his cottage.

Back home, Jack and his mother were overjoyed with their newfound wealth. But Jack’s curiosity wasn’t satisfied. A few days later, he climbed the beanstalk again.

This time, Jack returned to the castle and found a golden harp that played music on its own. Once again, he waited until the giant fell asleep and made off with the harp. But this time, as Jack was sneaking away, the harp began to sing loudly, waking the giant.

“Thief!” roared the giant as he chased Jack. With the giant’s thunderous steps shaking the ground behind him, Jack slid down the beanstalk as fast as he could. The giant, enraged, began to follow.

When Jack reached the bottom, he called out to his mother, “Bring me the axe!” His mother, seeing the danger, rushed to him with the axe. Jack swung at the beanstalk, cutting it down just as the giant was descending. With a tremendous crash, the beanstalk fell, and the giant plummeted to the ground, defeated.

From that day on, Jack and his mother lived comfortably, thanks to the magic hen and harp. Jack had learned the value of bravery, but also the dangers of greed. And though he had faced giants, Jack’s greatest treasure was the wisdom he gained from his incredible adventure.

The End.

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